
Circular No 231

Newsletter for Alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 8 of April 2006. No. 231
Dear Friends,
After I sent out No. 230 I noticed that there is no mention to the Blog site that Don has set up, together with the photo site.
So here are the details:
The blog page is http://msbtunapuna.blogspot.com/, it is here that the Circulars are archived.
At the same time I must remind you that for information that you would like to insert in the CIRCULAR you must send me a copy, to; Kertesz11@yahoo.com, otherwise the help that Don is providing is going to be wasted.
Now here is additional information on Dion Fakoory, and of course he was kind enough to send photos.
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 22:10:56 -0400
From: "Dion Fakoory"

Hello Ladislao,
Here are some photos of my family, photo # 1010004 my 3rd daughter 24 years old, 1010048 myself with my wife and my 2nd daughter at her wedding she is now 31 years old, 1010205 this is my last my son and his girlfriend 22 years old, 11 [ 1 ] 10 this is my 1st daughter 33 years with her 1st daughter now 1 year and 4 months since these photos there is another grand a boy 11 months from my 2 daughter.
What about the names I sent you, do you know the whereabouts of these guys??.
God Bless.
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 15:26:31 -0400
From: "Dion Fakoory"

Dear Ladislao,
What you like me to do with these names that you sent to me, do you want me to contact them and let them send you a contact email address.
Do you know the whereabouts of PABLO FIGURERA, ALEJANDRO LEW, ( NAZI ), FREDDIE FREITAS if so can you forward me any form of contact for these guys it would be a great help.
God bless and keep in touch.
(Pablo Figuera pablofh@cantv.net, is the only one I have, you might have luck if he replies to your email. Ed.)
Subject: Thanks
Date: 1/23/2006 5:33:49 PM

Hi Lad,
This email has been extremely overdue and for this I apologize.
I am known to you as “Egan Baichoo” and attended Mount in 1960, where I spent my last year of High School.
I very much remember you because, we sat together many times during the pre and post dinner study periods, during which you spent your time making all kinds of electronic gadgets.
I was able to keep you posted on the travels of the monk who was patrolling the room, thereby giving you enough time to re-establish your “study intensity”.
It was thru you that I hooked up with my good buddy, Nigel Boos, and for this I thank you.
I have lost contact with all my classmates of that year, but I still have lots of pictures of the 1960 graduating gang.
I have been in Canada since 1964 and at present I am the owner of my own real estate company servicing the Toronto and Greater Toronto Area for residential, commercial and investment needs. (Any referrals would be most appreciated)
I have enjoyed reading the bulletin and look forward to any pictures that I can relate to.
Please let me know the phone #’s/email addresses of the other guys who were in our 1960 graduation class. I would love to contact them.
Let me know a little about yourself as well.
Take care and God bless.
Patrick Baichoo, Principal Broker/President
Maregan Realty Inc., Realtor
416 439 5558
On 12/28/05, ladislao kertesz <kertesz12@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear Dion,
I have the following information that I received from a friend but not oldboy, can you help me in checking it out?
I have information for them, but they may not even know that the web site exists of even the Circular.
Need their resume and graduation year Form V, at any school.
God Bless

Mount St Benedict Old Boys now living in Trinidad ( December 2005)
1. Ache Adrian and Helen 1 Strathclyde Avenue Cascade, Port of Spain 624-7135
2. Richard Clerk doctor 102 Woodford Street, Port of Spain off: 622-4149 home: 632-4457
3. Gordon Farah 10 Long Circular Rd, Maraval 628-1281
4. Christopher Webster Wahid Circular Drive , Sumadh gardens San Fernando 652-1313
5. Dennis Cribbes 43 Moka Heights, Maraval 629-1023
6. Ernest Tempro 82 Valley View Drive Valley View, Maracas valley 663-2384
From: "Oscar Cantore" <cantore@aincosa.com>
To: "'Attila GYURIS'"
Subject: RE: Hola Oscar y Alfredo, saludos desde California
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2006 09:46:13 -0400

Que mas Attila como estas? Son casi 35 años desde que nos separamos de MSB.
El mundo es bien pequeño cuando uno menos se lo espera aparece algun conocido. Desde cuando no viajas a Venezuela? Aquí siempre nos estamos viendo los Old Mount Boys, con mas frecuencia con Fofeo quien es un banquero de alta reputación aquí!!!!
Yo por mi lado siempre aquí en Anaco, he hecho mi raices aquí desde que naci.
Debemos ver si nos podemos encontrar algun dia todos y medirnos las barrigas aunque veo con agrado por las fotos que se cruzan que la final estara entre Salvador y Fofeo.
Oscar Cantore

How are you Attila?
It is almost 35 years since we separated of MSB.
The world is very small when one lest expects some well-known appears.
Since when you do not travel to Venezuela?
Here always we are seeing the Old Mount Boys, but with frequency with Fofeo who is a banker of high reputation here!
I am always here in Anaco, have made my root here since I born.
We must see if we all can meet one day and measure our bellies although I see with joviality by the photos that the finals are going to be between Salvador and Fofeo.
From: "Oscar Cantore"
Date: 26 Aug 08:41 (PDT)
Estimados amigos, la presente es para informarles que a partir de la presente fecha el email mio ha sido cambiado a: Cantore@aincosa.com.
El Oscar@aincosa.com seguira activo hasta finales de mes de Agosto.
Por favor tomen las previsiones que el caso amerite.
Oscar Cantore
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address,: sorry but under the new laws of Venezuela, I cannot receive or send foreign currency, if caught I can be placed in jail for 3 years on the first offence, so please sent it direct to the Bank of America account of Ladislao Kertesz 02181 09151, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photo in this issue:
XXUN0001FILMOT, Fr. Ildefonse and motorbike
XXUN0002SCOUTBAND, Please need year and names
1962UN0010EDIMSB, Front of the church shop
2005DF0001DFAFAM, Dion Fakoory´s family
Would you like to collaborate with photos?? Send them to kertesz11@yahoo.com,
Look us up at http://www.theabbeyschool.com, an all class msb web site.
Look at www.paxabbey.com, for information on the Monastery, Mt St. Benedict.
Look up for great TT photos at: Web Site: http://jgioannettiphotography.com/
Use these addresses to get into the various pages opened by Don.
The blog page is http://msbtunapuna.blogspot.com/, it is here that the Circulars are archived.
Send information to: kertesz11@yahoo.com, if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include. Telf. 0 (212) 263.5346 Caracas.
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to idmitch@anguillanet.com,
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela’s time is the same as Trinidad’s, -04:00 GMT.

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