
Circular No 235

Newsletter for Alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 6 of May 2006. No. 235
Dear Friends,
Continuing with Attila Gyuris, emails received until March. April emails are going to be in No. 239
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 16:56:22 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
Subject: MSB "Aqualads" Photo, circa 1966

Dear Laszlo and Don:
Attached is my old photo of the Abbey School swim team, the "Aqualads".
The photo was taken at the Mount 25-meter pool next to the sports field by Fr. Voosh sometime around 1965 or 1966 during one of our many Swim Meets held there.
The first photo is smaller in size and I have added the names that I remember.
The second photo is the larger original with better resolution without the names.
I think I remember some of the boys' names as written on the photo.
Can somebody help fill in the rest?
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 00:24:36 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS" gyuris@yahoo.com
Subject: Some of my Memories at the Abbey School - Part 2

Here are some more Abbey School stories - Part 2, you had requested for the Abbey School, Old Boys' Circulars.
I sent you Part 1 a while ago. Did you receive it?
Some of my Memories at the Abbey School - Part 2
Sometime around 1968 I remember the time I led some junior scouts on a Scouting day-hike to the Caura River.
It was a weekend day.
It had been a long hike on a hot day and we were grateful for arriving to the river for a refreshing dip.
While we were bathing in the river, there were also some local families bathing there in a nearby swim-hole.
Suddenly there was a big commotion by the river banks.
It turned out that a little girl (7-8 years old) had disappeared under the river current and had not come up for air.
Everybody, including her parents and family were frantically searching for her under water.
I joined the search, and luckily I found her wedged under a rock in the rapids.
I grabbed one leg and pulled.
She was unconscious.
I carried her out to the sandy shore and proceeded to give the “Holger-Nielsen” method of artificial respiration.
At the time no mouth-to-mouth CPR was taught to us scouts.
I quickly sent out one of the scouts to go get help.
I now know that was Salvador Coscarat.
One of the scouts also present was Oscar Cantore,... I forget who else.
Anyway, I applied that (now obsolete) resuscitation method for over 2 hours there on the sandy river beach until the fire department ambulance finally got there and took over.
There was white foam coming out of her mouth.
They took her to the hospital and succeeded in reviving her, this I found out later.
All this commotion, of course, caused a big delay in us arriving back to the School.
We were supposed to back by about 4:30 or 5pm.
We all got a ride back to the Mount in two police patrol cars, which dropped all of us off at after 6pm (real late, just before supper) by the school entrance (under the arches, near Bobo’s office) in front of the entire school.
Everybody was outside on the yard grounds just after bath-time, just before going up for supper.
They were all were staring at us thinking that we had gotten into some big trouble because of the police cars arriving with us.
Fr. Cuthbert runs out, all furious at us for returning so late and suspecting the worst on seeing the police cars!
I tried to explain to him what had happened, but he furiously motioned me to get upstairs, and said he would deal with me later.
As I was going upstairs, I saw the police officers explaining to Fr. Cuthbert what had transpired at the river, and why we were so late.
That night, during supper in the Refectory, Fr. Cuthbert stood up and announced to everybody what had happened and I got as large ovation and much clapping form the entire school.
I was beaming.
Later that year I got the Royal Life-Saving Association’s Bronze Medal.
More to follow -------
Attila Gyuris
MSB 1964-1969
Here is an exchange in Spanish of the above recount by Attila
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 2006 23:14:54 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
To: Salco56@cs.com

Estimado amigo Salvador:
Que bueno que te acuerdes de eso.
Aunque yo me acuerdo muy bien del suceso no me acordaba quien mas estaba presente de los Scouts conmigo.
Yo me acuerdo que yo mande a alguien para que fuera a buscar ayuda mientras yo le di respiración artificial a la niña durante horas.
Luego por fin llego la ambulancia con bomberos, y vinieron cargando una bombona de oxigeno.
Oscar Cantore estaba presente también, según el me dijo.
Y ahora tu.
Así que resulta que eras tu el que corrió a buscar ayuda! Vaya, vaya...
Te acuerdas de la cara del Fr Cuthbert y de los demás cuando llegamos bien tarde de vuelta al Abbey School en la patrulla de la policía.
Y luego el aplauso que nos dieron esa noche en el refectorio durante la cena cuando el Fr. Cuthbert anuncio a todos lo que habíamos hecho?
**********************************************************************Salvador wrote:
Hola Atilla como estas.
Espero que bien y disfrutando de buena salud.
Aprovecho de mandarte unas líneas, para decirte que yo si estuve en el Rio Caura cuando la niña se sumergió.
Esta estaba encima de los hombros de su padre, cuando jugando la hecho hacia atrás y la niña se sumergió y no salio a flote.
Es cuando ustedes los Scout mayores empezaron la búsqueda.
Si no me equivoco que en tu ultima oportunidad la sacaste por los pelos.
Me acuerdo clarito del suceso porque yo fui corriendo a la carretera a pedir ayuda.
Cuando llego la policía y también cuando nos llevaron al Abbey School .
Yo jamás me olvide de esa experiencia de ver a la niña ahogada.
Cuando tú lo mencionaste en una de tus cartas me volvió la memoria del suceso.
Espero que todo te sea feliz y quizás algún día nos podamos visitar,
Un abraso salvador
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 15:51:48 -0800 (PST)
From: "Attila GYURIS"
Subject: Rommel Rosero y Aquiles Duran
Hola Andres:
No te olvides de enviarme fotos del encuentro.
Yo también tengo el Queen's Scout certificate mio en un marco en la oficina.
Voy escanearlo y enviarlo a Ladislao también.
Creo que tu y yo lo recibimos juntos el mismo día, No?
Do not forget to send me photos of the encounter.
I also have my Queen's Scout certificate in a frame in the office.
I shall scan it and to send to Ladislao also.
I believe that you and I received it together on the same day, No?
Si me acuerdo de un profesor llamado Chow Fat, pero no creo que era de química(?).
La profesora de química que yo tuve en Form IV y Form V era Mrs. Kitty Marcus.
El Prof de Matemáticas y matemáticas avanzadas (análisis) de Form III, IV y V era el Prof. Yip Chuck (si la memoria no me falla).
Prof Basanta era el de Spanish, y Fr. Rughead era el de French.
Yes I remember a professor called Chow Fat, but I do not believe that it was of química().
The chemistry professor that I had in Form IV and Form V was Mrs. Kitty Marcus.
The Prof de Mathematics and advanced mathematics (analysis) of Form III, IV and V was Prof. Yip Chuck (if the memory does not fail to me).
Prof Basanta was the one of Spanish, and Fr. Rughead was the one of French.
También me acuerdo bien del Rommel Rosero (" d'Artagnan" ).
El estuvo solamente por dos años en el Abbey School, (creo que desde Sept del 1965 hasta el Sept de 1967) cursando Form I and Form II.
Luego nos encontramos de nuevo, durante los años 70.
Rommel estudio conmigo en la USB.
Durante esa época también estuvimos haciendo paracaidismo deportivo en la base Aerea El Libertador y en Higuerote.
Yo fui su instructor de caída libre.
El se graduó de Ing Electrónico en 1976, se puso a trabajar en Caracas, y luego perdimos contacto.
Seria interesante volver a encontrarlo.
Also I remember well Rommel Rosero ("d'Artagnan").
He was only for two years in the Abbey School, (I believe that from Sept of the 1965 to the Sept of 1967) attending Form I and Form II.
Soon we met again, during years 70.
Rommel study with me in the USB.
During that time we also were practising the sport of parachuting at the air base El Liberator and at Higuerote.
I was his instructor in free fall.
He graduated as Ing. Electronico in 1976, began working in Caracas, and soon we lost contact.
It would be interesting to find him again.
Otro que estuvo haciendo paracaidismo conmigo durante ese tiempo (los 70) fue Aquiles Duran, quien también fue estudiante en el Abbey por unos años.
El se hizo piloto comercial en 1976 y lo ultimo que yo se (1992) es que estaba volando el DHC-6 Twin Otter para la Aeropostal desde Maiquetía.
Luego también perdimos contacto.
Other one that was practicing parachuting with me during that time (the 70) was Aquilles Duran, who also was student in the Abbey for a few years.
He became Commercial pilot in 1976 and for I know (1992) he was flying the DHC-6 Twin Otter for the Aeropostal Airline from Maiquetía.
Soon afterwards we lost contact.
Algo curioso: Durante el tiempo que yo estaba haciendo paracaidismo de caída libre con el Grupo Aerotransportado Aragua (GATAR) de la Base Aérea El Libertador (Palo Negro), éramos integrantes de un grupo mixto de civiles y militares que, durante los fines de semana, abordamos un avión C-130 de la FAV y hacíamos saltos de demostración en varias ferias patronales de ciudades, pueblos y show aéreos en todo el territorio de Venezuela.
Durante esa época (los años 70) tuve la oportunidad de conocer y tomarme tragos muchas veces en el casino de oficiales con el mismísimo Hugo Chavez, quien en aquel tiempo todavía era un teniente joven en el batallón Chirinos del GATAR.
Quien lo hubiera sabido!
Something peculiar: During the time that I was practicing free fall parachuting with Grupo Aerotransportado Aragua (GATAR) of Airforce Base El Liberator (Palo Negro), we were integrated into a mixed battalion of civilians and military who, during the week ends, took a C-130 airplane of the Airforce and made demonstration jumps in several patronal fairs, cities, air show all over the territory of Venezuela.
During that time (years 70) I had the opportunity to know and to take drinks in the casino for officials with the very same Hugo Chavez, who was at that time still was a young lieutenant in the Chirinos battalion of the GATAR.
Who would have known!
Attila Gyuris
MSB 1964-1969
Andres Larsen

Hola a todos y gracias por el reencuentro en Madonna Nostra en Altamira:
Allí les va el tan esperado Queen's Scout Certificate firmado por Elizabeth Regina
Entiendo que es el primero pero debe haber otros en poder de algunos de los Old Boys de Mount.
¿ Alguien puede confirmarme por favor si hubo alguien llamado Rommel Rosero entre nuestros compañeros de clase ? Me parece que su apodo fue "Tortuguita" o "D'Artagnan" o algo así pero no me acuerdo bien y puedo estar confundiéndolo con otro compañero.
Que me confirmen también por favor si tuvimos un profesor de química chino llamado Mr. Chow Fat que era muy buen jugador de ping pong y fumador empedernido, flaco raquítico como muchos chinos, y que caminaba como cangrejo.
Hello to all and thanks for the encounter in Madonna Nostra in Altamira:
There is the long awaited Queen's Scout Certificate signed by Elizabeth Regina.
I understand that it is first but there must others in the possession of some of the Old Boys de Mount.
Can somebody confirm to me please, if there were somebody call Rommel Rosero between our classmates?
It seems to me that its nickname was "Tortuguita" or "D'Artagnan" or something like this but I do remember well and I can be confused with another old boy.
Also confirm to me please if we had a Chinese professor of chemistry called Mr. Chow Fat that was very good player of ping pong and hardened smoker, skinny rickety like many Chinese, and that walked like crab.
Andres Larsen
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 12:12:35 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Last Minute Margarita Reunion
Dear Ladislao:
-First my regrets for not being able to attend tomorrow’s "old boys" reunion in CCS.
I hope to make it to CCS the next time around!
-Second / last but not least, for those used up Mount boys now in their mid 60´s, it’s a pleasure to update your readers of a recent "old boys" reunion in the island of Margarita.
Robert Lipavsky and I (Brian Goddard), got together for dinner at a Margarita island sea side restaurant to reminisce the old days at Mount St. Benedict.
We have been in touch over the last 30 years but neither of us had seen Mr. Lipavsky for almost 50 years.
It was a great evening and the conversation was full of good laughs and memories.
It never seemed that 50 years could have gone by so quickly but thank God that we are all healthy and doing well.
Best regards,
Brian Goddard
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address,: sorry but under the new laws of Venezuela, I cannot receive or send foreign currency, if caught I can be placed in jail for 3 years on the first offence, so please sent it direct to the Bank of America account of Ladislao Kertesz 02181 09151, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photo in this issue:
2006LK00003LKGRP, Meter Morvay, Alfredo Montiel, Andres Larsen
60LK0001FGRTAS, Fr. Gregory
1923UN0001ALTMSB, Altar Old Abbey
06BG0001BGOVAL, Brian Goddard swimming champ!
Would you like to collaborate with photos?? Send them to kertesz11@yahoo.com,
Please note: you may have missed some of the circulars, if you have not received one every week, do not hesitate to ask for the missing number to idmitch@anguillanet.com, http://msbtunapuna.blogspot.com/
Look at www.paxabbey.com, for information on the Monastery, Mt St. Benedict.
Look up for great TT photos at: Web Site: http://jgioannettiphotography.com/
Festivals & Functionsš šššššš Or Go directly toš šChutney Soca Finals 2006 (Newest) orš
Send information to: kertesz11@yahoo.com, if you would like to be in the circular’s mailing list or any old boy that you would like to include. Telf. 0 (212) 263.5346 Caracas.
For those that would like to contact me here I include my telephones:
Telf.Office: 58 (212) 263.5346, 267.2416, From: 11:00GMT to 22:00GMT
FAX: 58 (212) 261.0829,
Home: 58 (212) 238.4084. From: 00:00 GMT to 04:00 GMT
Cellphone: +58 (0416) 612.5695
Remember that Venezuela’s time is the same as Trinidad’s, -04:00 GMT.

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