
Circular No 242

Newsletter for Alumni of The Abbey School, Mt. St. Benedict, Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.
Caracas, 24 of June 2006. No. 242
Dear Friends,
Again conversations between long winded writers, Attila, Andres and others.
Thank God there are still those that use written means and not only telephone.
Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2006 11:30:11 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Andres Larsen"
To: "Henry Theunissen"

Dear Father Christopher,
Thank you so much for your news from the Abbey at Mount St. Benedict in Tunapuna.
It has been almost forty years since I have had any news from any of you.
I am now starting to network with some of the Old Boys.
Over here I have good contact with the Benedictine Abbey at San Jose de Guigue where I know some of the Benedictines quite well including Father Otto Lohner, their Abbott.
Years ago (before 1990) they used to be here in Caracas at San Jose de Avila.
Some of the Benedictines here are from Bavaria, some others from the Basque region in Spain, and novices are fortunately most of them locals.
The difficult part is always finding novices who feel the calling to go into a monastery.
The Abbey here comes under the Benedictine congregation of St. Otilia, a big monastery complex southwest of Munich, in Bavaria.
The Basque Benedictines come from a big Spanish Benedictine monastery called Santo Domingo de los Silos, very well known world wide as a centre for Gregorian song church music, or as we say in Spanish "Canto Gregoriano".
By the way Father Hildebrandt Green from the Benedictine Abbey in Guyana has been here on several month long stays.
He concelebrates Mass with the others here when he is here.
I have so far never spoken with him but know who he is as he stands out and his monk's robe differs slightly from those of the Benedictines here.
One of them here, Father Jesus Maria, a Basque who recently celebrated 50 years' priesthood, has a big book illustrated with colour photographs on 500 Benedictine Abbeys throughout the world.
I didn't know that most are in North America.
There are also several in Australia.
There are even Benedictines mentioned in England who are Anglicans, and there is a convent of Benedictine nuns in Sweden who all converted from Lutheranism.
Please give my best regards to Kitty Marcus when you see her.
Father Otto Lohner, the Abbott here at the Benedictine Abbey in Guigue has an e-mail address which is: abadiaguigue@cantv.net
Happy Easter to all of you at the Mount
Andres Larsen
De: Andres Larsen [andres_larsen@yahoo.com]
Para: cedvorak@cantv.net [cedvorak@cantv.net]
Asunto: Busqueda de Casa Dvorak en Chacao
Fecha: 02/05/2006 11:42:10

Hola Carlos,
Como ves, Attila hasta se acuerda donde mas o menos esta el negocio de Ustedes en Chacao.
Nos comunicamos a partir de este miércoles para ponernos de acuerdo en donde nos reunimos

As you see, Attila remembers where was the location of the business in Chacao, Caracas.
We keep in contact from this Wednesday on, to agree on where we could meet.
Andres Larsen wrote:

Hi Attila:
I need your help on this:
Whereabouts is or was Casa Dvorak located in Chacao?
Towards the Plaza Chacao north of Avenida Francisco de Miranda?
I saw it about a month ago but now don’t remember where exactly anymore.
Thanks and appreciate your help.
Attila GYURIS wrote:

Caramba Rommel:
Acaba de recibir este email de Andres Larsen.
Tanto que te hemos buscado!
No aparecias por ningun lado del internet.
Y eso que Fulvio si sabia desde hace meses donde estabas y no nos decia nada!
Como estas? Que haces?
Favor enviame una copia de la foto tuya con Fulvio.
Sabes algo de Aquiles Duran? Lo último que sé es que estaba todavía volando los Twin Otter para la Aeropostal.
Eso fue por alla en el '92....
En otro email te envio copias de los emails que hemos estando intercambiando sobre ti...
Si te interesa, haz click en: http://msbtunapuna.blogspot.com,
Ahi puedes leer todas las circulares y fotos de varios compañeros que hemos estado intercambiando.
Tambien a la derecha haz click en "Mitchell Photos" en las carpetas, y veras fotos del Abbey School.

I have just received this email from Andres Larsen.
We have looked for you for some time now!
You had not appear anywhere in the Internet.
And Fulvio knew for months where you were and he did not tell us!
How are you?
What are you doing?
Please send me a copy of the photo with you and Fulvio.
Do you know something on Aquilles at last?
The last I know he was still flying Twin Otter for Aeropostal.
That was in the ' 92....
In another email I shall send you copies of emails that we have been interchanging relating youself...
Also you can read all circular and see the photos of several of our companions with whom we have been interchanging.
Also with a right click on "Mitchell Photos" in the folders, and you can see the photos of the Abbey School.
Attila Gyuris
MSB 1964-1969
Andres Larsen wrote:

Por fin aparecistes Rommel, y nosotros si que te hemos buscado.
Que conste. Ya nos dabamos por derrotados.
Bueno, como dicen, mejor tarde que nunca.
De todas maneras, tambien le circulo tus datos a Ladislao Kertesz quien es nuestro coordinador de todo el grupo de Old Boys venezolanos y redactor de las Circulares del Abbey School.
Fue el quien nos volvio a reencontrar a Attila, Alfredo Montiel Bezara y a mi despues de 37 años.
Por alli Salvador Coscarart tambien ofrecio ponerse en contacto con nosotros.
En el proximo e-mail te envio una foto reciente mia con Ladislao Kertesz y de otro Old Boy, Peter Morvay.
Ambos son de una promocion como 10 años anterior a la nuestra (de como a mediados o finales de la decada de los cincuenta).
Un cordial saludo

Finally you appeared Rommel, we have been looking for you.
Already we felt defeated.
Good, as they say, better latter than never.
Anyway, also I circulate your data to Ladislao Kertesz who is our Venezuelan coordinator of all the group of Old Boys and editor of the Circular of the Abbey School.
It was through him that we meet again with Attila, Alfredo Montiel Bezara and myself after 37 years.
Salvador Coscarart also offered to put itself in contact with us.
In my next email to you I shall send you a recent photo of me with Ladislao Kertesz and of another Old Boy, Peter Morvay.
Both are of a promotion 10 years previous to ours (of the decades of the fifties).
Rommel Rosero wrote:

Andres, Attila
Me alegra saber de Uds. hace mucho tiempo que no los veo, de ahora en adelante mantendremos contacto.
Con Hector siempre comentamos del tiempo a amigos del colegio.
Hace unos meses me reuní con Fulvio, apenas pudimos reconocernos.
Les envió esta foto que conservo desde entonces.

I am glad to know about you, it has been a long ago that I did see you, from now on we will maintain contact.
With Hector we always commented of the time and of the friends of the school.
Months ago I met with Fulvio, we could hardly recognize us.
I send you a photo that I conserve since then.
TELEFONO: 0416 7872067
Rommel Rosero
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 11:46:31 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Andres Larsen"

Hola Ladislao,
Carlos Dvorak abajo indica de que esta de vacaciones en El Tigre.
Eso fue como hace una o dos semanas atras.
Puede ser que se anime a asistir a la cena el proximo jueves en Mamma Nostra.
Abajo estan todos los telefonos de Carlos.
Cordial saludo

Carlos Dvorak indicates that he is in vacations in El Tigre.
That was one or two weeks ago.
Maybe Thursday you can be animated to attend the supper in Mamma Nostra next thrusday.
I am sending all the telephones of Carlos.
"cedvorak@cantv.net" wrote:

Si veo que Atila se acuerda del negocio, pero este ya no existe.
El negocio fue cerrado hace muchos años.
Tambien veo que tienes muy buenos recuerdos de Mont St, Benedict, pero permiteme agregar alguna otars cosas.
Por ejemplo, teniamos otros compañeros "COCO" Roquefort, cuyo padre vivia en Barbados.
Piccoli, creo que su nombre era Bruno y venia del Tiogre o Anaco.
Fernando Fernandez, primo de Raul Leoni.
Los hermanos Echeverria, hijos de Embajador de Venezuela en T'dad. CHECHE estuvo con nosotros.
Lawrence Town, Azar, from San Fernando Trinidad.
Recuerdas el campamento que hicimos en el CAURA RIVER, donde construimos un puente levadizo sobre el rio.
Recuerdas las escurridas hacia la montaña, para fumar y hacer juegos los cuales podian ser peligrosos.

Yes, I see that Atila remembers the business, but this no longer exists.
The business was closed many years ago.
Also I see that you have a very good memory of Mount St, Benedict, but let me add some other things.
For example, we had other companions, "the COCO" Roquefort, whose father lived in Barbados.
Piccoli, I believe that his nickname was Dark brown and came from El Tigre or Anaco.
Fernando Fernandez, cousin of Raul Leoni.
The Echeverria brothers, children of the Ambassador of Venezuela in T'dad. CHECHE was with us.
Lawrence Town, Azar, from San Fernando Trinidad.
You remember the camping which we did in CAURA RIVER, where we constructed a drawbridge on the river.
You remember the escapes towards the mountain, to smoke and to play games which could be dangerous.
Andres estoy en Venezuela, mi telefonos son:
58 212 331 0590 /3426 OFICINA en MAIQUETIA
58 414 304 3695 Celular
58 212 988 0223 Home
Me gustaria que llamaras, en este momento estoy en El Tigre, pasando unos dias de vacaciones
Attila GYURIS wrote:

Hi Andres,
I am am going back over 25 years on this, but last I remember, "Casa Dvorak" was about one block away from the corner of Av F. Miranda and Av Mis Encantos in Chacao, but I am not positive towards which side.
However I am sure it was on the South side on Av F. Miranda.
I would look about one block on either side of the "Estacion Chacao".
Good Luck,
BTW, I never received any pictures of your dinner with Laszlo and the boys. Did you?
REMEMBER TO PAY YOUR DUE, 50 WORDS PER YEAR, OR SEND A CHECK preferably from any U.S. Bank, to my address,: sorry but under the new laws of Venezuela, I cannot receive or send foreign currency, if caught I can be placed in jail for 3 years on the first offence, so please sent it direct to the Bank of America account of Ladislao Kertesz 02181 09151, Santa Barbara, California, USA.
For those that prefer this way to cooperate with the Circular and the expense that this generates. It is 52 issues per year.
God Bless
Photos in this issue:
EVENT030002UNKNOWN, Please help??
59LK0002ABYFLD, Photo of the Abbey from the sports field.
59UN0001BBRCHK, Brother Bruno and the chickens
60HV0001UNKNOWN, Photo sent by Herman Verkruissen, can you help?

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